Back to School Tips: A Dentist’s Checklist

Girl in red glasses standing beside back-to-school chalkboard

After a summer spent relaxing on the beach, staying up late, and indulging in ice cream, it’s easy to overlook daily dental routines. Now that your child is back to school, it’s important to get back on track when it comes to their dental health. Here are a few things you can do before scheduling an appointment for a checkup at Wilson Pediatric Dental.

Dentist’s Back-to-School Checklist

Purchase a new toothbrush

With the new school year well underway, you might get your child a brand-new backpack, a stylish wardrobe, and a range of school supplies. But while you shop, you should also pick up a new toothbrush and a fresh case of dental floss for your child.

To keep their teeth healthy and strong throughout the school year, it’s important to promote a daily routine of brushing and flossing teeth. Ensure that your child brushes in the morning before hopping on the bus, and in the evening before bed. Explain to them the importance of maintaining a healthy mouth and gums, and what could happen if they don’t regularly brush their teeth, including the development of cavities and gingivitis.

Pack the right snacks

Proper diet and healthy teeth and gums go hand-in-hand, so it’s also important that your child is eating well while they’re in school. Pack healthy snacks and lunches with raw vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole-grain crackers for your child to bring to school.

Foods that are high in sugars, carbohydrates, and starches can contribute to the production of plaque acids that break down your child’s tooth enamel and cause decay and gum disease. Keep your child’s mouth healthy this school year by sending them to school with healthy foods to eat.

Protect their teeth

Back to school means your child is back to organized physical activities with their classmates, whether it’s for a recreational soccer game or everyday gym class. If your child already has sensitive teeth, has braces, or participates in contact sports, consider giving them a mouthguard to bring to school. A mouthguard can help protect your child’s teeth during physical activities to prevent their teeth from loosening, breaking, or getting knocked out (avulsed) completely.

Schedule Regular Dental Appointments at Wilson Pediatric

The best way to ensure your child has a healthy mouth this school year is by scheduling a dentist appointment at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry in Wilson, North Carolina. Our team of talented pediatric dentists will help your child feel comfortable while we treat their teeth and gums.

If you’re looking for teeth cleaning in Wilson for your child, call Wilson Pediatric Dentistry at (252) 291-4300. Schedule your appointment today.