Pediatric Teeth Correction: Your FAQs Answered

Knowing what pediatric dentistry treatments are right for your child can be tricky, especially when it comes to teeth correction or early orthodontic procedures. To help guide your decisions, read our answers to your frequently asked questions on pediatric teeth correction.

What You Need to Know About Pediatric Teeth Straightening

Q: How do you know if you should consider teeth correction for your child?

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, you should start bringing your child in to the dentist for regular check-ups when their first tooth comes in — and definitely by their first birthday. Given this information, you should consult your pediatric dentist when it comes to teeth correction options, usually when their permanent teeth start coming in.


People will often consult their dentist about teeth straightening if their child has crooked, overlapping or overcrowded teeth. This is especially important to discuss if your child still has some of their baby teeth, as misaligned teeth can make it difficult for permanent teeth to come in correctly.

Q: Will my child’s teeth straighten out on their own?

While your child’s teeth may straighten out on their own, this is not always the case. It is less likely to happen if the crooked teeth make it difficult for other permanent teeth to come in correctly.

Q: When should you bring your child in for their first orthodontic screening?

To be on the safe side, you should bring your child in for their first orthodontic screening when they’re 6-7 years old. By age 7, most kids’ permanent molars have come in. This gives your pediatric dentist time to identify any issues early and proceed accordingly.

Q: What age should you consider braces for your child?

You’ll want to consider braces for your child when they’re between 10-14 years old. During this timeframe, your kid’s head and mouth are still growing, which makes their teeth easier to straighten out.

Schedule an Appointment at Your Local Pediatric Dentist

Learn about our pediatric teeth correction in Wilson, NC, and schedule an appointment today. We’re conveniently located near Greenville, Rocky Mount, and Knightdale.

What Treatments Are Available at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry?

Pediatric Dentistry

At Wilson Pediatric Dentistry, we know how important your child’s dental health is. That’s why our services are tailored to your child and are designed to help ensure the healthy development of your little ones’ teeth.

Here’s a look at the pediatric dental treatments we offer.

7 of Our Available Pediatric Dentistry Services

Exams and cleaning

We go beyond the traditional dental exam and teeth cleaning to ensure your child’s teeth are developing as they should be. We keep a close eye on this, in addition to using fluoride treatments designed to help strengthen teeth and prevent decay.


This procedure involves the application of dental sealant on your child’s teeth. Sealant helps protect your kid’s teeth from bacteria and prevent cavities.

Cavity treatment

If your child does get a cavity, we can help. This procedure involves removing the affected part of the tooth and then replacing the area with cavity filling. In rare cases, when the decay is very severe, a dental crown may be needed.


Disking helps ensure your child’s teeth have room to grow. If a tooth does not appear to have space to grow in the mouth, we will shave off a thin layer from the surrounding teeth. This leaves room for that permanent tooth to grow without becoming crooked or misaligned.

Space maintainers

If your child loses a tooth early, they may need space maintainers. These are custom-fit, removable appliances that ensure the teeth surrounding the gap do not come in crooked or misaligned.

Dental x-rays

X-rays allow the dentist to see any issues with your child’s teeth that may not be easily apparent. Consult the dentist for more information on when these x-rays should be considered for your kid.

Early orthodontics

Interceptive orthodontics help prevent the need for orthodontia later in life. This should be considered when your kid’s permanent teeth start coming in, as early orthodontic care is designed to help ensure these teeth come in correctly.

Schedule a Dental Appointment Today

In addition to the treatments noted above, our dental practice offers emergency care services. For routine dental exams and other select procedures, our team offers the option of general anesthesia for children with severe dental anxiety. Our staff is happy to walk you through your options for this service.

Make sure your child has a positive dental experience from the very start by choosing a kids pediatric dentistry. If you live in the Greenville or Rocky Mount, North Carolina, area, Wilson Pediatric Dentistry is the premier pediatric dentist near you.

Learn more about possible dental treatments to consider for your child here.

Prepare your Child for a Cavity Filling With These 5 Tips

Child getting cavity filled

Having a cavity filled can be a scary experience for an adult, let alone a small child. But with the right guidance, your little one can leave the dentist showing off their new smile.

Below are five tips to help prepare your child for a cavity filling.

How to Prepare Your Child For a Cavity Filling

Downplay it

By now you’ve probably figured out that children take a lot of their emotional cues from you. When you play something up as really fun and exciting — like their first day of school — it can be infectious to them. So when it comes to their first cavity filling, downplay it in front of them and act like it’s no big deal.

Mind your words

Your child may ask you some questions about what will happen at the appointment and if it will hurt. Explain what a cavity is, but avoid using words like “drill,” “needle,” “poke,” or anything else that can sound scary to a young one. You can even use a phrase like “sugar spot” or “candy bugs” instead of saying “cavity.”

Talk about your cavity fillings

If you had any cavities filled during childhood or as an adult, tell your child about it. If mom or dad has done it, it can’t be all that bad, right? If you have any current fillings, you can even let them look inside your mouth to see how “cool” they look.

Don’t frame it as punishment

Of course, you want your kids to understand the importance of taking care of their teeth. But be careful not to frame a cavity filling as “punishment” for them not brushing well enough. Explain how sugary foods can affect your teeth and how a cavity happens. If a child thinks they are being punished, it can affect the way they feel about dentists going forward. Emphasize that the dentist is there to help them, not punish them.

Bring comfort items

On the day of the appointment, let your child wear whatever they want (within reason of course). Allow them to bring their favorite stuffed animal or toy. Have their favorite TV show cued up on your smartphone or tablet with some headphones so they can watch in the waiting room and take their mind off the appointment. Do anything you can to set a positive tone.

Schedule Your Child’s Appointment in Wilson, NC

Now that your child is properly prepared for their cavity filling, the next step is to schedule their appointment at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. A pediatric dentist has additional training, experience, and skills specific to treating young patients and can be a better option than a general dentist in this regard.

Make an appointment for a gentle cavity filling treatment today and let us a bring a smile to your child’s face.


Learn 4 Tips to Care for Your Child’s Teeth in the New Year

As the year winds down and the holidays are upon us, it’s a great time to think about your child’s teeth. With the focus on get-togethers, presents, and family time, it can be easy to overlook dental health. That’s why we’re happy to offer four helpful tips for starting — or revisiting — good dental habits as we head into the new year.

Taking Care of Your Child’s Teeth

Chit chat about the chompers

If your child has been to the dentist before or will be going for the first time, having an open talk about what to expect is a great way to prepare them for the visit. Presenting everything in a positive light will help alleviate any concerns your child might have. You can even read a story of someone having a good dental visit.

When you arrive at the office, allow the dentist to lead the conversation with your child to build a relationship. You can also ask your child questions like, “What color toothbrush do you like?” to give them some control over the appointment.

After the visit, you can discuss any concerns you have, such as thumb sucking, crowded teeth, losing teeth, and more.

Make healthy choices

When healthy food and drink choices are made, your child’s teeth will benefit. Adding foods that clean while being consumed, such as carrots, apples, and celery, helps scrub away plaque buildup and strengthens the tooth enamel.

Explain to your child that when sugary foods and drinks are consumed, the sugar can cause decay if left on the teeth and that having strong teeth allows us to enjoy the foods we love.

Be a role model

It’s important to brush at least twice a day and floss regularly to prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. Help your child build healthy brushing and flossing habits by performing the tasks right along with them. This way you’ll be able to show them the correct way to brush and floss and treat it as a daily routine, rather than a chore.

Make and keep appointments

By making and keeping appointments to see your pediatric dentist twice a year, you’ll establish good dental habits with your child. Your child will also receive frequent cleanings and exams, which will allow the dentist to keep you aware of any issues that could arise in the future.

Care for Your Child’s Teeth at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry

When your child is due for teeth cleaning, contact us at (252) 291-4300 or schedule an appointment online.

Back to School Tips: A Dentist’s Checklist

Girl in red glasses standing beside back-to-school chalkboard

After a summer spent relaxing on the beach, staying up late, and indulging in ice cream, it’s easy to overlook daily dental routines. Now that your child is back to school, it’s important to get back on track when it comes to their dental health. Here are a few things you can do before scheduling an appointment for a checkup at Wilson Pediatric Dental.

Dentist’s Back-to-School Checklist

Purchase a new toothbrush

With the new school year well underway, you might get your child a brand-new backpack, a stylish wardrobe, and a range of school supplies. But while you shop, you should also pick up a new toothbrush and a fresh case of dental floss for your child.

To keep their teeth healthy and strong throughout the school year, it’s important to promote a daily routine of brushing and flossing teeth. Ensure that your child brushes in the morning before hopping on the bus, and in the evening before bed. Explain to them the importance of maintaining a healthy mouth and gums, and what could happen if they don’t regularly brush their teeth, including the development of cavities and gingivitis.

Pack the right snacks

Proper diet and healthy teeth and gums go hand-in-hand, so it’s also important that your child is eating well while they’re in school. Pack healthy snacks and lunches with raw vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole-grain crackers for your child to bring to school.

Foods that are high in sugars, carbohydrates, and starches can contribute to the production of plaque acids that break down your child’s tooth enamel and cause decay and gum disease. Keep your child’s mouth healthy this school year by sending them to school with healthy foods to eat.

Protect their teeth

Back to school means your child is back to organized physical activities with their classmates, whether it’s for a recreational soccer game or everyday gym class. If your child already has sensitive teeth, has braces, or participates in contact sports, consider giving them a mouthguard to bring to school. A mouthguard can help protect your child’s teeth during physical activities to prevent their teeth from loosening, breaking, or getting knocked out (avulsed) completely.

Schedule Regular Dental Appointments at Wilson Pediatric

The best way to ensure your child has a healthy mouth this school year is by scheduling a dentist appointment at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry in Wilson, North Carolina. Our team of talented pediatric dentists will help your child feel comfortable while we treat their teeth and gums.

If you’re looking for teeth cleaning in Wilson for your child, call Wilson Pediatric Dentistry at (252) 291-4300. Schedule your appointment today.

Follow This Checklist When Choosing a Local Dentist

Dentist attends patient while dental assistant smiles at viewer

You might need to find a new dentist for any number of reasons. Maybe you’ve just moved to the area. Maybe you’re looking for a second opinion. Maybe your insurance policy has changed. Or maybe you’re a new patient in need of a cleaning.

If you’re looking for a dentist near you, make sure you keep the following tips in mind.

How to Choose Your Dentist

Cost and Insurance

When researching different dentists, your first consideration should be cost and insurance. Do they accept your insurance? Do they offer discounts to those without insurance?

Make sure to consider the varying costs of different appointments and whether or not your insurance covers them. For instance, your insurance may cover an annual dental cleaning, but not an appointment for a filling or oral surgery at that same office.

Before you commit, give your insurance provider or the dentist’s office a call to find out about insurance coverage or costs for appointments.


When driving to your dentist appointment, do you really want to travel an hour outside of the city when a similar practice is closer? Consider the amount of time it takes to get to and from different offices, so you can fit appointments into your busy schedule.

You should also find out their hours of operation — can you fit in a quick cleaning after work or schedule an appointment for the weekend? To find a dentist’s business hours, check their website or call their office.

Qualifications and Services

Before you let someone poke around your mouth with metal instruments, you should find out if they’re qualified to do so. Ask your prospective dentist about their qualifications, certifications, or specialty, especially when looking to have more difficult oral surgeries and procedures performed.

Every dentist office is different, so one might offer more serious oral procedures while another may not. Save yourself the hassle of shuffling from one office to another to get a surgery done, and find a dentist that provides all of the oral care services you require.


You won’t know how you feel about a dentist until you meet them — call the office you’re considering and schedule a consultation. That way, you aren’t going in blind to an appointment that sounds good on paper. You want to make sure you’re entirely comfortable with the dentist you choose.

Visit Wilson Pediatric Dentistry Today

If you run through this checklist, you’ll have a clear path to choosing a dentist office near you.

For those in Wilson County, start your search at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry, a local dentist serving children and adults in Wilson, Rocky Mount, and Kenly, NC. Schedule a consultation with our office today. We look forward to hearing from you.

Why You Should Schedule Regular Dental Checkups for Your Kids

With homework, play, and exploring to do, your kids don’t have a lot of time to think about taking care of their teeth. That’s where your local Wilson, North Carolina, pediatric dentist comes in. An experienced pediatric dentist can help your children navigate their dental development with healthy smiles.

Here are a few reasons why regular dental checkups are necessary for kids of any age.

Why You Should Schedule Regular Dental Checkups With Wilson Pediatric Dentistry

Baby Teeth Matter More Than You Think

Why bother taking care of baby teeth if they’re only going to fall out in a few years? We hear this question all the time at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. Although baby teeth do eventually fall out, their health can play a large impact on the wellness of the incoming secondary teeth.

Baby teeth, also called primary teeth, serve as placeholders for permanent teeth. If a child loses a primary tooth too early, either to decay or injury, the primary tooth may shift and come out in the wrong position.

Regular dental checkups can prevent the premature loss of primary teeth and mitigate the effects when it does happen.

Different Ages, Different Goals

To contrast the dental maintenance performed by most general dentists, pediatric dentists have unique goals for their young patients: prevention, development, and habit-building.


A good pediatric dentist can prevent most dental issues and the stress and pain that comes with them. When we see your child for regular checkups, we can spot and diagnose the problems your child can’t notice themselves and suggest treatments or behaviors to keep them from worsening.


Childhood is also the heaviest stage of dental change. Whether their first set of teeth are coming in or falling out to make room for permanent teeth, kids’ mouths are constantly developing. Pediatric dentists are uniquely qualified to monitor this development and intervene if necessary.


Seeing a dentist regularly and often also helps children develop healthy dental habits. Pediatric dentists like Dr. Elmore help create dental plans that help kids get accustomed to tooth-healthy foods and home care. Even getting into the routine of seeing a dentist twice a year is setting important behaviors in place during the most formative years.

Schedule Your Child’s Checkup With Your Local Wilson Pediatric Dentist

Looking for an experienced pediatric dentist in Wilson for your child? Dr. Elmore and the team at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry have been keeping kids’ teeth looking and feeling their best for years. Schedule an appointment or contact us at (252) 291-4300.

What You Need to Know About Your First Kid’s Dentist Visit

pediatric patient at a kid's dentist having his teeth examined

A kid’s first dental appointment can seem like an intimidating experience. Often the parent is just as worried as their child going in. What if it goes poorly and your child develops a fear of visiting the dentist? The team at Wilson Pediatric Dentist recognize how stressful the experience can be. That’s why we work to make the whole process easy with an understanding, gentle, and kid-friendly care.

Take the fear out of the first visit to your kid’s dentist by learning what you can expect from Wilson Pediatric Dentistry.

What’s Going to Happen at Your Kid’s First Dentist Appointment?

When Should My Child See the Dentist for the First Time?

The first thing to figure out is when you should start taking your child to the dentist. We recommend scheduling their first appointment shortly after their first tooth erupts, which usually occurs after about one year.

Starting care so early lets your kid’s dentist monitor the development of new teeth from the beginning. If your child is a little older, don’t worry. It’s never too late to get started on good dental care.

When You Get to the Waiting Room

Every aspect of our dentistry is geared toward making the experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible. This begins as soon as you enter our office. The waiting room has a fun, kid-friendly design and is filled with toys to help make their visit easier.

You and your child will be greeted by our warm and friendly staff. Every member of the team has training and years of experience working with children, and know how to ease them into treatment. We’re also careful to avoid any frightening language or tones.

When You See the Dentist

This gentle care continues into the examination room. If your child is very young, Dr. Elmore may have you hold them in your lap while she works. Older kids are encouraged to come into the office on their own so they can start to build a friendly relationship with the dentist, but you can still sit in on any appointment.

At the first appointment, we will keep treatment to a minimum and focus on examining the developing teeth. This makes sure that their first experience with a dentist is a positive one and helps them shed some of the anxiety for their next visit.

Making a Dental Care Plan

Since your child likely isn’t old enough to make their own dental care choices, you’ll need to take the lead on good dental health. That’s why the final part of your first dental visit will involve working with Dr. Elmore to create a home care plan to promote healthy tooth development.

This plan will be built around your child’s unique needs and stages of development. These typically cover:

  • Dental hygiene tips
  • Nutrition
  • Teething
  • What to do about habits like thumb sucking
  • Future developmental milestones
  • A dental examination schedule

By following the plan we create, you’ll be giving your child a great foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth. The plan is also flexible and open to amendments based on observations from future appointments.

Is it time to schedule your first visit with an attentive, gentle kid’s dentist? Make an appointment with Wilson Pediatric Dentistry or contact us at (252) 291-4300.

What You Need to Know About Your Children’s Dental Care

child brushing her teethAll parents want to help their children get the best possible dental care, but it can be difficult. When should you start taking your child to the dentist? What kind of dentist should they see?

How do you promote good home care? Wilson Pediatric Dentistry in North Carolina is here to help get your little one started off right.

What Parents Need to Know About Taking Their Children to the Dentist

You Need To Start Earlier Than You May Think

Most children should have their first dentist appointment when they turn one year old. This is usually about the time the first primary tooth emerges. The early start is necessary so that your child’s dentist can monitor the teeth as they come in, and establish a dental plan.

Pediatric Dentists Have a Unique Focus

It is true that family dentists can treat children. All dentists are licensed to work on people of all ages. However, pediatric dentists undergo several additional years of specialized training with kids. Pediatric dentists, like Dr. Elmore, focus more on setting up dental plans and ensuring healthy development than treating issues after they happen.

Children can also be very fearful of dentists. Offices like Wilson Pediatric Dentistry are made to be warm and welcoming, and the staff is specifically trained on making young patients feel at ease. By taking your child to a pediatric dentist, you’re getting them the best possible dental care.

Baby Teeth Matter, Too

It can be easy not to see the point in taking your young one to a pediatric dentist. They’re going to lose all of their baby teeth anyway, so why bother taking care of them?

The truth is, what happens to the baby teeth can have a significant impact on the development of the secondary teeth. The primary teeth serve as a placeholder for new teeth. Any disruption or early loss of these baby teeth can have adverse effects on the way the permanent teeth come in.

Baby teeth are also just as prone to cavities as adult teeth. Taking care of your child’s dental health can prevent the unneeded pain of a cavity.

They Need Your Help

One of the most important things pediatric dentists do is create a dental plan for our patients. This individualized plan lays out healthy eating strategies, proper home care, and an appointment schedule.

Since young children can’t plan their own lives, they’ll be counting on you to help them keep with their plans. Pediatric dentists empower parents with the tools to be their children’s greatest dental allies.

Get your child started off right on the path to healthy smiles. Call Wilson Pediatric Dentistry at (252) 291-4300 to learn more, or request an appointment online.

Get Your Child the Best Care at a Pediatric Dentist

boy holding teeth and a red toothbrush

Your child’s first dentist appointment is an exciting step in their life, but where should you take your child? Should they see a general, a family, or a pediatric dentist? Is there even a difference between them?

How Do Pediatric Dentists Differ from General Dentists?

Children have unique dental needs compared to adults, and pediatric dentists, like Dr. Jasmine Elmore at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry, have specialized training to help meet those needs.

Additional Training

Any licensed dentist who has graduated from an accredited institution is qualified to serve patients of any age. However, pediatric dentists don’t just go through different training, but additional training. These dentists require an additional two or three years of education and training focused on issues and treatments specific to children.

A Unique Focus

Children have special dental needs compared to adults. Pediatric dentists are uniquely qualified to help with those issues. The primary focus for a pediatric dentist will not be on dealing with issues after they’ve happened. Instead, they will build a plan for your child based on their needs, to help foster healthy development.

Pediatric dentists also specialize in treatments that are more helpful to kids, like dental sealants, disking baby teeth, and fluoride treatment.

Friendly Setting

General dentist’s offices are often cold and clinical. This is fine for an adult, but for a younger child, this environment can be terrifying. This kind of atmosphere is the biggest contributing factor to kids hating the dental visits. Pediatric dentists create a warm, colorful setting that puts children at ease.

Most dentists also lack training or experience working with children who don’t want to be there. Pediatric dentistry offices are staffed with people who love working with kids. They have experience helping calm nervous children.

Why Should You Take Your Child to Wilson Pediatric Dentistry in Wilson, NC?

Dr. Elmore and the team at Wilson Pediatric Dentist, in Wilson, North Carolina, have years of experience helping to build healthy smiles for their young patients. With specific experience working with kids who have had negative experiences with dentists, we will make your child’s experience both comfortable and fun.

Our team looks forward to working with your daughter or son. Contact us at (252)291-4300 to learn more about how we can help your child.