Types of Pediatric Dental Emergencies


Any health emergency should be taken seriously, and dental emergencies are no exception. But what is considered a dental emergency and what should be done in the event of one?


Any dental problem that puts the future of a tooth in jeopardy, causes ongoing tissue bleeding, or severe pain is considered to be a dental emergency and should be immediately addressed. 


If your child is experiencing a dental emergency, call Wilson Pediatric Dentistry immediately at (252) 291-4300. 


Below are some common types of dental emergencies and the appropriate actions for each. 

Common Types of Dental Emergencies

Knocked out tooth

Every year, more than five million teeth are knocked out in children and adults. Sports and general roughhousing are the most common culprits. 


What to do:


  1. Pick up the tooth by the crown (the top). Do not touch the root.
  2. Rinse off the tooth, but don’t scrub it or remove any attached tissue. 
  3. Try to place the tooth back into the socket and hold it in place until you get to the dentist. If you are unable to do so, place it in a cup of milk. 
  4. Call your dentist immediately. If you’re near Wilson, North Carolina, call Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. Time is of the essence for a knocked out tooth. 

Chipped or fractured tooth

A tooth that becomes cracked or chipped on the outside has often suffered some internal damage as well that can put the tooth’s health in danger. 


What to do:


  1. Rinse out your mouth with warm water. 
  2. Use a cold compress to minimize any swelling if facial trauma was involved. 
  3. You may take acetaminophen to alleviate pain. 
  4. Make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. 

Injuries to the mouth

Punctures, tears, and cuts to the lips, cheeks, gums, mouth, or tongue can constitute a dental emergency when severe.


What to do: 


  1. Clean the affected area with warm water.
  2. Apply pressure to the wound with gauze. 
  3. Take acetaminophen for pain.
  4. Get to an oral surgeon or emergency room as soon as possible.

Oral infection

Most infections of the mouth are not considered to be emergencies. But if you experience swelling around the jawline or under your mouth and have difficulty breathing or swallowing, it may qualify as a dental emergency. 


What to do:


  1. Take acetaminophen for pain and swelling.
  2. Contact your dentist. 

Contact Wilson Pediatric Dentistry

If your child is experiencing a dental emergency, call us right away to schedule a same-day appointment today. Dental emergencies can lead to long-term damage if they’re not addressed right away, and the team at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry is standing by to help.  



Early Orthodontic Care? Rocky Mount Pediatric Dentist Says Yes

child visits pediatric dentist for orthodontic evaluation

It’s well known that getting a teeth cleaning on a regular schedule is a great way to catch and prevent possible dental issues from occurring in the future. But at what age should your child have an orthodontic evaluation?

Read on to learn more about when your child should see an orthodontist.

When to Seek Orthodontic Care for Your Child

Orthodontic treatments, such as braces, are procedures that many people view as something that’s done in the teenage years. While it’s true that most kids end up waiting until all of their secondary teeth have come in, performing preventive or corrective orthodontic care on children as young as 6 or 7 years old can have developmental benefits.

With interceptive orthodontics — another name for early orthodontic care — your pediatric dentist can make sure that your child’s permanent teeth are developing in the correct position.

Dr. Jasmine Elmore recommends having your child screened when his or her permanent teeth begin to emerge, usually around 6 years old. At this young age, the jaw and palate are still growing, making it the ideal time to correct anything that isn’t developing properly.

Early orthodontic care uses appliances, such as braces and palatal expanders, to make sure your child’s mouth has space for adult teeth. It can also help straighten crooked teeth, steer the growth of the palate or jaw, and correct any damage that stems from bad habits, including prolonged thumb sucking and pacifier use.

We’re committed to ensuring the health and wellness of our young patients’ teeth. We understand that kids’ developing teeth have different needs than the teeth of adults. That’s why we monitor your child’s development to ensure his or her dental health is on the right track, and we’ll advise you when they need an orthodontic evaluation.

Pediatric Dentistry Near Rocky Mount, NC

Are you looking for a pediatric dentist near Rocky Mount, NC? Wilson Pediatric Dental will make your child’s visits for routine cleanings and preventative and corrective procedures as comfortable as possible thanks to our friendly staff and colorful exam rooms. Schedule an appointment online, or call our office today.