Why Are Fluoride Treatments Important for Young Teeth?

little girl at a pediatric dentist getting fluoride treatment

At Wilson Pediatric Dentistry, fluoride treatments are a regular part of dental exams and cleanings. Most children receive anywhere from two to four treatments a year. Why? Because fluoride plays an important role in making sure your child’s teeth are strong and healthy all throughout childhood and into adulthood.

Keep reading to learn more.

The Importance of Fluoride for Your Kids

What Are Fluoride Treatments?

Fluoride is a natural mineral found in water all around the world. It’s also used to fortify public drinking water and some foods and other beverages. But a fluoride treatment at the dentist’s office is a little different.

During a treatment, the dentist will paint a small amount of fluoride onto the child’s teeth. The fluoride will quickly harden in place, and any excess is usually brushed off later that day to ensure that almost none is swallowed by the child.

After the fluoride is applied, it becomes part of the tooth’s outer layer, the enamel, to help strengthen it. When combined with good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing, fluoride does a great deal to support dental health.

The Benefits of Fluoride Treatments

According to the American Dental Association, fluoride is a safe, effective way to prevent tooth decay. Since kids tend to consume a lot of sugar, tooth enamel erodes over time and can eventually lead to cavities.

About 27.9% of all children aged two to five and 51.17% of all kids aged six to 11 will get a cavity during childhood. However, by strengthening the tooth enamel, fluoride can help prevent, slow down, and even reverse decay.

Even though baby teeth fall out, childhood cavities can still lead to problems in adulthood. One reason why is because tooth decay may cause the baby teeth to fall out too soon, leaving an empty gap. Neighboring teeth can begin to shift, moving into the empty spot and causing misalignment of incoming adult teeth.

With regular fluoride treatments, it’s possible to minimize cavities and ensure good oral health for today and tomorrow.

Schedule a Visit at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry Today

Interested in learning more about fluoride treatments in Wilson, North Carolina? Visit Wilson Pediatric Dentistry for a consultation and meet our team.

With offices located in Wilson, Rocky Mount, and Kenly, North Carolina, our dentists are committed to instilling good oral health in kids all throughout the area. Schedule a cleaning for your child today.