Handling Dental Emergencies: A Guide For Parents

Pediatric Dentistry  

Dental emergencies can be a source of anxiety for children and parents alike, so knowing how to handle these situations will not only give you confidence but also convey confidence to your distressed child. The expertise of a pediatric dentist in Greenville is crucial during these times, and Wilson Dental is there to support you and provide comprehensive care for your little ones.

Recognizing the Signs of a Dental Emergency


Toothaches can range from mild discomfort to throbbing pain and may signal issues such as cavities, infections, or gum disease. If your child complains of persistent pain, it’s crucial to contact us immediately. Rinsing with warm water and using a cold compress can provide temporary relief.

Broken, Chipped, or Knocked-Out Teeth

A broken or chipped tooth can become a serious problem if left untreated, possibly leading to infection or further damage. A knocked-out tooth requires immediate attention—time is critical for successful re-implantation. If this happens, find the tooth, hold it by the crown, and gently rinse it without scrubbing. Keep it in a milk container or your child’s saliva until you can reach an emergency pediatric dentist.

Bleeding Gums or Loose Teeth

Bleeding after a fall or an accident, especially when accompanied by loose teeth, needs immediate evaluation. While some bleeding might occur with new teeth or from a minor injury, excessive and continuous bleeding warrants an urgent visit to your emergency dentist in Greenville.

How Fast Should I Seek Help From Wilson Pediatrics?

When You Need to Act Quickly

If your child experiences severe pain, has a fever or swelling in the mouth or face, or has sustained an injury to the mouth or teeth, it’s crucial to seek emergency dental care. At Wilson Dental, we can provide prompt and effective treatment to alleviate pain and address the issue.

When You Can Monitor and Wait

Some dental issues, while uncomfortable, can wait for a scheduled appointment. Mild tooth sensitivity, small chips without pain, or a lost filling typically don’t constitute an emergency. However, we encourage you to call us so we can advise you on the next steps and schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.

Be Prepared for the Future

Be prepared for dental emergencies by keeping a small dental first aid kit that includes our contact information, saline solution, gauze, a small container with a lid, and over-the-counter pain relief.

Your Partners in Pediatric Dental Care

Your child’s oral health is our top priority at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. We are more than just your emergency pediatric dentist; we aim to be a partner in maintaining your child’s dental health. If you’re unsure whether your child is experiencing a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Contact Wilson Pediatric Dentistry right away.

How to Treat Your Child’s Tooth Pain

We all know how uncomfortable it can be dealing with tooth pain, and it can be even more painful watching your child go through the experience.  


If a young one in your household is experiencing tooth pain, there are some home remedies you can try that may alleviate the pain until you can schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist. 


Treating Tooth Pain

Losing a tooth naturally typically does not hurt, but it can be painful when the new tooth is growing in. Tooth pain can also be caused by decay, fillings, cracks and chips, and even sinus problems. 


Below are some ways to treat your child’s tooth pain until they can be seen by our team. 


Saltwater rinse

Salt water is a natural disinfectant that can help loosen food particles that may be stuck between teeth and causing pain. It can help heal oral wounds and reduce inflammation too! Mix a half teaspoon of table salt with warm water and have your child rinse their mouth just like they would with mouthwash. 


Cold compress

A cold compress causes blood vessels to constrict which can reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. Fill a plastic bag with ice and then wrap in a towel and hold it against the affected area in 20-minute intervals, repeated every few hours as needed. 


Vanilla extract

The alcohol in vanilla extract can bring immediate relief to a sore tooth. Just place a few drops of the extract on a cotton swab and apply gently to the affected area. And don’t worry, the alcohol is safe for treating tooth pain in children when used in moderation under adult supervision and is even great for teething babies



Garlic has been used as a tooth pain remedy for thousands of years. Crush a garlic clove into a paste and apply to the affected area or have your child chew on a fresh clove, careful not to overdo it on size.


See a Pediatric Dentist in Greenville, NC

If the pain persists, you may need to have your child see an emergency pediatric dentist. Schedule your appointment or contact us at (252) 291-4300. We offer same-day pediatric emergency care and can take the necessary steps to quickly diagnose the problem, administer the proper treatment, and alleviate your child’s pain.