Why Does My Child Keep Getting Cavities?

child cavity filling

It can be challenging when your children get cavities, even though you help them brush and try to limit sugary foods. Cavities are common, affecting more than half of kids by age 8, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. When our patients need a cavity filling in Greenville, NC, we explain why cavities occur and provide tips to prevent future tooth decay. We’ve also developed this guide to help keep your kids’ teeth cavity-free.

Causes of Cavities

Cavities occur when bacteria in the mouth combine with food particles on the teeth to form plaque. This sticky substance erodes the tooth’s protective enamel and eventually creates a tiny hole called a cavity. 

Cavities are more common in children who:

  • Do not brush and floss regularly
  • Do not visit the dentist at least once a year
  • Eat foods that leave starch and sugar on the teeth, including sweets, candy, bread, cereal, fruit juice, and soda
  • Live somewhere without fluoride in the water supply

Cavity Treatments for Kids

If your child has a cavity, treatment can prevent tooth loss and the spread of decay. Cavity treatments typically require fillings. The dentist will remove the affected part of the tooth and fill the hole with a durable material such as resin or acrylic.

If a cavity gets too large, the dentist may need to remove the entire tooth and replace it with an artificial tooth called a crown. 

Steps to Prevent Cavities

You can take these steps to reduce the chance that your child will get cavities.

Start Cleaning Teeth Right Away

Clean your child’s first baby teeth with a soft piece of gauze as soon as you see them emerge. Help toddlers and preschoolers brush with a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Supervise brushing and flossing until your child can clean teeth independently (at least 6 for most kids).

Emphasize Good Nutrition

Consider replacing fruit juice and soda with water to reduce the risk of cavities. Feeding your child a healthy diet with limited sugary snacks and sweets is also important.

You should also visit a pediatric dentist for cleanings and checkups every 6 months. Wilson Pediatric Dentistry provides comprehensive oral health care for children, including dental fillings in Greenville, NC. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your kids so we can help you develop a strong cavity-prevention plan.

Learning About Pediatric Dentist Emergency Care with Wilson Pediatrics

You want to do everything you can to protect your child, and that includes being able to help them in an emergency situation. When your child needs emergency dental care, you must know how to respond. Read on for some tips from a pediatric dentist about how to handle your child’s dental emergency.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any dental situation that requires immediate attention. Pediatric dental emergencies come in many different forms. For instance, tooth decay that is left untreated could grow severe enough to become an emergency. A cut on the lips or gums that becomes infected could also constitute a dental emergency.

Other dental emergencies are caused by sudden trauma. These include broken or fractured teeth, teeth that have been knocked out, or a broken jaw. All of these events cause acute pain and need to be treated by a dental professional as soon as possible.

What to Do In a Dental Emergency

Stay Calm and Act Fast

Although your child experiencing a dental emergency is frightening, it’s important that you keep a cool head so that you can handle the situation properly. Panicking will only make the experience more traumatic for your child, so maintain your composure to help ease their stress.

One of the best ways you can keep your child calm in this distressing event is knowing what to do when responding to the situation. Keep contact information on hand for pediatric emergency dental care. This will allow you to respond promptly, reassuring your child that you know what to do to help them.

Call for Emergency Dental Care Immediately

Acting fast is vital in a dental emergency. The sooner you get the emergency treated, the better the results will be for your child. Acting fast may enable dental professionals to save any teeth that were damaged in the emergency.

Contact Wilson Pediatric Dentistry for help in a dental emergency and all your other pediatric needs. We’re standing by to provide the high-quality care that your child deserves. 

5 Harmful Oral Habits Parents Should Discourage

Pediatric dentists see what happens when kids possess oral habits that cause more harm than good. That’s why they’ve teamed up with parents to show kids how to help themselves. But where do you begin? Which habits are causing your kids’ dental health to deteriorate? Keep an eye out for the following habits that you can actively discourage:

  1. Nail biting and thumb sucking: Nail biting can introduce germs and bacteria into your child’s mouth and your child could likewise transmit germs onto what they touch. Thumb sucking can cause an overbite if the habit isn’t disrupted. Positive reinforcement goes a long way to curbing the habit. Some parents have tried putting a bitter or sour food-safe solution on their child’s nail or thumb to help discourage the habit. 
  2. Aggressive brushing: Some kids can be overly aggressive with brushing their teeth. Explaining to them that brushing their teeth gently will still dislodge food or plaque on the surface of their teeth or at their gum line will help end this behavior. Most importantly, keep a close eye on them and follow up with them to make sure they’re brushing correctly. 
  3. Chewing on hard objects: It’s very tempting for kids to chew on their candy or the ice in their drink. Teach them that this could lead to them chipping or fracturing their tooth, which could mean a lot of pain and a trip to the dentist. Encourage them to drink through a straw.
  4. Teeth grinding: Teeth grinding can do a lot of damage to kids’ teeth and you may not even know it’s an issue until a dentist sees the wear and tear. Regular visits to the dentist can help prevent damage from getting any worse – so make sure that your child is seeing their dentist regularly!
  5. Not using a mouth guard for sports or other rough activity: Your child could crack or lose their teeth if they’re not wearing a mouth guard while playing contact sports. Explain to them the importance of wearing a mouth guard and provide positive reinforcement until it becomes a habit.

Many times, kids will grow out of these habits. If they don’t, an ingrained habit can be especially hard to break. Keep a lookout for the above habits and try to disrupt or break the pattern while they are still young. 

Pediatric Dentist in Knightdale, NC

If your child suffers from any of the above habits, or you’re not sure, come see us at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry to check out their dental health. As the saying goes, “A stitch in time saves nine.” We provide kid-friendly dental examinations that can catch cavities, tooth damage, etc. before it gets any worse. Call us at 252.291.4300 to schedule an appointment, or contact us here!