Do Routine Teeth Cleans Matter? Yes — Here’s Why

Pediatric Dentistry 

Teeth brushing time: Every parent’s worst nightmare or part of the nightly routine. The problem? No parent ever knows what side that flipped coin will land on in a given night. Spice that up with the stress of an upcoming dentist visit in their minds, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for trouble in most pediatric cases.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way. Our expert pediatric dentists Greenville, NC recommend early and continuous education around the importance of routine teeth cleaning and brushing, eliminating the anxiety that can be associated with either part of your regular practice. 

Read on to learn about the best benefits your child can gain from a routine clean. Then, use them to alleviate any pre-dentist fears as they arise. We’re rooting for you! 

Disease Avoidance In The Future 

Oral health conditions, like gingivitis and cavities, can lead to extreme pain, bleeding, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms. Your children can avoid these illnesses with routine deep-cleaning, giving your dentist a bird’s eye view into any oral issues before they take root. 

Fresh Breath 

No one likes having bad breath. After seeing the dentist in Greenville, NC., your children will have the confidence that comes from a great-looking, clean smile and fresh breath. All of the halitosis-causing plaque and germ buildup will be washed away from hard-to-reach places during the deep clean, thanks to the specialty, higher-pressure tools that your pediatric dentist Greenville, NC has access to. 

Long-Term Health Benefits 

Did you know? Many experts have found that routine cleanings can lower one’s risk of dementia, stroke, and heart disease. While your children may be too young to realize this benefit, you can rest assured knowing that you elevate their overall level of health with each visit. You can also encourage them with the thought that it’s not just their mouth they’re affecting when they go in for a clean. It’s every system of their body. 

Ready To Book Your Appointment? 

On the hunt for a pediatric dentist near me? The experts at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry are here to help. Our specialists help thousands of kids per year keep their teeth clean, healthy, and absolutely gleaming—giving them deep cleanings and the care they deserve in a convenient, accessible, and pain-free way. 

Connect with us today for more information. We look forward to serving you. 

Preventing Cavities in Greenville, NC: A Parent’s Guide to Oral Health Habits

Pediatric Dentistry 

It’s never too early to teach your child good oral health habits. From scheduling regular appointments with an experienced pediatric dentist in Greenville, NC, to creating care routines at home, here are some best practices to prevent your child from developing cavities. 

Cavity Prevention Tips 

Cavities, also referred to as tooth decay, are holes that occur as the tooth is damaged by plaque and bacteria. According to Pediatric Dentists in Greenville, NC, Children are at high risk for cavities, as they often struggle to brush their teeth correctly and consume sugary or acidic foods. Keep reading to learn practical tips to prevent your child from developing cavities. 

Take Your Child For Periodic Teeth Cleanings

The American Dental Association recommends taking your child for a dental visit by their first birthday. As soon as your baby has teeth, the risk of a cavity developing occurs. Your dentist will help you set a schedule for teeth cleaning in Greenville, NC, that will help prevent cavities and catch any early-stage tooth decay before it becomes severe. 

Practice Good Oral Health Habits at Home

Directing your child through a consistent oral hygiene practice when they are young will help prevent cavities and form healthy habits. These positive behaviors may stay with them through adulthood and offer significant health benefits as they age. 

Establish a routine of brushing at least twice daily with a dentist-approved toothpaste and regularly flossing. When children are young, you’ll need to help them learn to brush correctly and watch to make sure they are brushing all their teeth, as molars can be easily skipped. 

Skip Sugary Treats

While any food can contribute to cavity formation if your child doesn’t brush their teeth, certain foods are more damaging to tooth enamel than others. Avoid or limit sugary foods such as desserts, soda, juices, and candy. Gummy candies, taffy, and fruit leather are especially destructive, as they become wedged between teeth and are difficult to clean off properly. 

Schedule Appointments in Greenville, NC

Sometimes, despite parents’ best efforts, children still develop cavities. If that happens, the wisest thing to do is schedule your child for a dental filling in Greenville, NC as soon as possible. 

Tooth decay can spread, and cavities in baby teeth can cause issues that impact your child’s adult teeth. Taking your child for a cavity filling in Greenville, NC, is the best way to prevent a cavity from causing long-term damage.

Make Dentist Visits Enjoyable in Greenville, NC

When you make dental care a regular part of your child’s life, dentist visits won’t cause anxiety or stress. Taking your child to a kids’ dentist in Greenville, NC, also makes the occasion more pleasant, as the dental team will be experienced in caring for children’s specific needs.

It’s never too soon to start thinking about your child’s dental health. Schedule an appointment at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry today, and take the first step toward helping your child have a healthy smile.

Learning About Pediatric Dentist Emergency Care with Wilson Pediatrics

You want to do everything you can to protect your child, and that includes being able to help them in an emergency situation. When your child needs emergency dental care, you must know how to respond. Read on for some tips from a pediatric dentist about how to handle your child’s dental emergency.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any dental situation that requires immediate attention. Pediatric dental emergencies come in many different forms. For instance, tooth decay that is left untreated could grow severe enough to become an emergency. A cut on the lips or gums that becomes infected could also constitute a dental emergency.

Other dental emergencies are caused by sudden trauma. These include broken or fractured teeth, teeth that have been knocked out, or a broken jaw. All of these events cause acute pain and need to be treated by a dental professional as soon as possible.

What to Do In a Dental Emergency

Stay Calm and Act Fast

Although your child experiencing a dental emergency is frightening, it’s important that you keep a cool head so that you can handle the situation properly. Panicking will only make the experience more traumatic for your child, so maintain your composure to help ease their stress.

One of the best ways you can keep your child calm in this distressing event is knowing what to do when responding to the situation. Keep contact information on hand for pediatric emergency dental care. This will allow you to respond promptly, reassuring your child that you know what to do to help them.

Call for Emergency Dental Care Immediately

Acting fast is vital in a dental emergency. The sooner you get the emergency treated, the better the results will be for your child. Acting fast may enable dental professionals to save any teeth that were damaged in the emergency.

Contact Wilson Pediatric Dentistry for help in a dental emergency and all your other pediatric needs. We’re standing by to provide the high-quality care that your child deserves.