Early Teeth Correction: Why It’s Important for Your Child’s Smile

Child Smiling 

Ensuring a healthy smile for your child begins with early teeth correction. At Wilson Pediatric Dentistry, we understand the value of addressing orthodontic concerns as soon as possible. Early intervention not only improves your child’s smile but also supports their long-term oral health, speech, and confidence.

The Benefits of Early Teeth Correction

Early teeth correction helps identify and address potential orthodontic issues before they worsen. Problems such as crowded teeth, misaligned bites, or abnormal jaw growth can be corrected more efficiently during a child’s formative years. When treated early, these issues often require less invasive treatments, reducing overall discomfort and saving time and money in the long run. Furthermore, early correction supports proper oral hygiene by preventing overcrowding and misalignment, which can make brushing and flossing more difficult.

Focusing on early teeth health and alignment helps improve speech development and prevents further complications with chewing and eating. When children feel proud of their smiles, they tend to develop stronger self-esteem, which can positively influence other aspects of their lives.

How Wilson Pediatric Dentistry Can Help

At Wilson Pediatric Dentistry, we specialize in tailored solutions for your child’s unique orthodontic needs. Our experienced team uses advanced techniques to diagnose and treat a variety of dental problems, ensuring that your child receives expert care. From interceptive orthodontics to monitoring teeth and jaw development, we design personalized treatment plans that fit your child’s needs and comfort.

We make it easy for parents searching for a dentist near you or a dentist near Greenville, NC to access exceptional pediatric dental care. Our welcoming office environment, compassionate staff, and cutting-edge technology ensure your child’s visit is both effective and comfortable.

Secure Your Child’s Healthy Smile for the Future

Take proactive steps to support your child’s smile and overall oral health. Early teeth correction plays an essential role in preventing future dental issues, improving their confidence, and contributing to their overall well-being. At Wilson Pediatric Dentistry, we specialize in personalized orthodontic care tailored to meet your child’s unique needs. From correcting alignment issues to ensuring proper jaw development, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. Schedule a consultation today to explore the best options for your child’s orthodontic care. A healthy, confident smile starts here.

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Dental Fillings: Types, Benefits, and Procedures

Dental Fillings

As parents, you want to ensure your children’s teeth stay healthy and strong. However, sometimes cavities happen. Our pediatric dentist will use dental fillings — one of the most common dental procedures — to help preserve your child’s smile when these problems occur in Greenville, NC.

What Are Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings are regularly used to repair and rebuild parts of a tooth compromised by cavities and decay. Cracks or fractures caused by accidents, or everyday wear and tear also often need fillings, even if the damage is in baby teeth. The process involves removing the damaged part of the tooth, cleaning the area, and filling it with a suitable material to keep the tooth stable and healthy.

The Dental Filling Procedure for Kids

  1. Diagnosis: The first step involves a diagnosis. This might be done through a visual exam, X-rays, or other diagnostic tools. We will carefully check your child’s teeth to see the extent of the issue.
  2. Numbing: To keep your child comfortable, a local anesthetic is used to numb the area around the affected tooth, minimizing pain and discomfort.
  3. Removal of Decay: The dentist removes the decayed part of the tooth with specialized instruments to prevent further damage.
  4. Cleaning and Preparation: After removing the damage, the cavity is cleaned to get rid of any bacteria and debris. The area is then prepped for the filling to ensure it bonds well with the material.
  5. Filling Placement: Depending on the chosen material — like composite resin, amalgam, or porcelain — the filling is applied in layers. Each layer is hardened or cured using a special light.
  6. Shaping and Polishing: Once the filling is in place, it is shaped to fit the natural contours of your child’s tooth. Finally, it is polished to ensure a smooth finish that blends seamlessly with other teeth.

Taking Care of Your Child’s Fillings

Here are a few tips to help care for your child’s dental fillings and their overall oral health:

  • Ensure they brush twice a day and floss daily.
  • Schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings.
  • Teach them to avoid chewing on hard objects like ice or pencils that can damage fillings.
  • Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks that contribute to decay.
  • Consider preventative dental sealants as an extra step to protect your child’s hard-to-brush back teeth.

Fillings are a key part of keeping your child’s teeth healthy and functional. If you suspect your child needs a cavity filling in Greenville, or have any concerns about their oral health, don’t search your phone for “dentist near me” — just reach out to us at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. Your child’s smile is our top priority!

When to Start Brushing Your Baby’s Teeth

Our dentists get a lot of questions from patients. One of the most common ones we get from parents with little ones is when to start brushing a baby’s teeth.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that you start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as the first tooth comes in. Even before any teeth sprout, you should clean your baby’s gums daily using an infant toothbrush or damp washcloth.

Why Brushing Your Baby’s Teeth is Important

The day your baby’s first tooth comes in, it can begin building harmful plaque. Although your child’s baby teeth will eventually fall out, they serve as placeholders for permanent teeth. So, the better the baby teeth are maintained, the more likely the adult teeth will be to come in straight.

Tooth decay can also welcome harmful bacteria into the body that can lead to other health issues and may also cause the development of speech impediments. Plus, getting your baby accustomed to having their teeth brushed at an early age can help establish good oral health habits throughout childhood.

Tips for Brushing Your Baby’s Teeth

Brushing a baby’s teeth can be easier said than done, as they may not like you inserting anything into their mouth. But the following tips might help in your efforts. 

  • Stick to just water with no toothpaste at first. Once your baby has several teeth you can begin to introduce a tiny amount of toddler toothpaste. Fluoride is okay, but again, keep the amount of toothpaste used to a minimum.
  • Use a small-headed and soft-bristled toothbrush that is specially designed for baby teeth.
  • Play some fun music or have your baby hold their favorite toy while you brush. This will help your baby associate brushing with happy and positive thoughts and stimuli.

Don’t Forget Your Child’s Dental Exam

Once it’s time to start brushing your baby’s teeth, it’s time to start thinking about scheduling their first dental appointment for a teeth cleaning in Greenville, NC. It’s recommended that children have their first dental checkup around their first birthday, and they should continue seeing their dentist every six months just like adults. 

Wilson Pediatric Dentistry is the preferred pediatric dentist in Greenville, NC. Learn more about our practice or schedule your child’s appointment today to get them started with a great smile.

Types of Pediatric Dental Emergencies


Any health emergency should be taken seriously, and dental emergencies are no exception. But what is considered a dental emergency and what should be done in the event of one?


Any dental problem that puts the future of a tooth in jeopardy, causes ongoing tissue bleeding, or severe pain is considered to be a dental emergency and should be immediately addressed. 


If your child is experiencing a dental emergency, call Wilson Pediatric Dentistry immediately at (252) 291-4300. 


Below are some common types of dental emergencies and the appropriate actions for each. 

Common Types of Dental Emergencies

Knocked out tooth

Every year, more than five million teeth are knocked out in children and adults. Sports and general roughhousing are the most common culprits. 


What to do:


  1. Pick up the tooth by the crown (the top). Do not touch the root.
  2. Rinse off the tooth, but don’t scrub it or remove any attached tissue. 
  3. Try to place the tooth back into the socket and hold it in place until you get to the dentist. If you are unable to do so, place it in a cup of milk. 
  4. Call your dentist immediately. If you’re near Wilson, North Carolina, call Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. Time is of the essence for a knocked out tooth. 

Chipped or fractured tooth

A tooth that becomes cracked or chipped on the outside has often suffered some internal damage as well that can put the tooth’s health in danger. 


What to do:


  1. Rinse out your mouth with warm water. 
  2. Use a cold compress to minimize any swelling if facial trauma was involved. 
  3. You may take acetaminophen to alleviate pain. 
  4. Make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. 

Injuries to the mouth

Punctures, tears, and cuts to the lips, cheeks, gums, mouth, or tongue can constitute a dental emergency when severe.


What to do: 


  1. Clean the affected area with warm water.
  2. Apply pressure to the wound with gauze. 
  3. Take acetaminophen for pain.
  4. Get to an oral surgeon or emergency room as soon as possible.

Oral infection

Most infections of the mouth are not considered to be emergencies. But if you experience swelling around the jawline or under your mouth and have difficulty breathing or swallowing, it may qualify as a dental emergency. 


What to do:


  1. Take acetaminophen for pain and swelling.
  2. Contact your dentist. 

Contact Wilson Pediatric Dentistry

If your child is experiencing a dental emergency, call us right away to schedule a same-day appointment today. Dental emergencies can lead to long-term damage if they’re not addressed right away, and the team at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry is standing by to help.  



Pediatric Teeth Correction: Your FAQs Answered

Knowing what pediatric dentistry treatments are right for your child can be tricky, especially when it comes to teeth correction or early orthodontic procedures. To help guide your decisions, read our answers to your frequently asked questions on pediatric teeth correction.

What You Need to Know About Pediatric Teeth Straightening

Q: How do you know if you should consider teeth correction for your child?

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, you should start bringing your child in to the dentist for regular check-ups when their first tooth comes in — and definitely by their first birthday. Given this information, you should consult your pediatric dentist when it comes to teeth correction options, usually when their permanent teeth start coming in.


People will often consult their dentist about teeth straightening if their child has crooked, overlapping or overcrowded teeth. This is especially important to discuss if your child still has some of their baby teeth, as misaligned teeth can make it difficult for permanent teeth to come in correctly.

Q: Will my child’s teeth straighten out on their own?

While your child’s teeth may straighten out on their own, this is not always the case. It is less likely to happen if the crooked teeth make it difficult for other permanent teeth to come in correctly.

Q: When should you bring your child in for their first orthodontic screening?

To be on the safe side, you should bring your child in for their first orthodontic screening when they’re 6-7 years old. By age 7, most kids’ permanent molars have come in. This gives your pediatric dentist time to identify any issues early and proceed accordingly.

Q: What age should you consider braces for your child?

You’ll want to consider braces for your child when they’re between 10-14 years old. During this timeframe, your kid’s head and mouth are still growing, which makes their teeth easier to straighten out.

Schedule an Appointment at Your Local Pediatric Dentist

Learn about our pediatric teeth correction in Wilson, NC, and schedule an appointment today. We’re conveniently located near Greenville, Rocky Mount, and Knightdale.

5 Teeth Cleaning Practices to Teach Your Child


A lifetime of healthy smiles begins with learning good dental habits at a young age. A pediatric dentist will be able to give your child’s teeth a professional cleaning, but there are some tips that every parent should share with their child about taking care of their own teeth in between visits to the dentist.

Below are five of the best teeth cleaning practices to teach your child. 

The proper way to brush

It seems like a no-brainer, but many children — and even adults — don’t brush their teeth correctly. Teach your children the proper way to brush their teeth, and continue to help them until they are at least coordinated enough to tie their own shoes. 


Your child has probably heard of “the floss” dance move. But how much do they know about “flossing” the dental move? Once your child’s teeth begin to fit closely together, it’s time to add flossing to their routine. Start by flossing their teeth for them until they get the hang of it themselves. 

Using mouthwash

Once your child is around six years old, they can begin to use mouthwash under your supervision. Practice with water first to make sure they know how to swish it around without swallowing. 

Eating a healthy diet

A poor diet is not just unhealthy for a young body. It can also wreak havoc on a child’s teeth. Teach your children about how sugar causes cavities, and monitor what they eat.

Drinking only water at night

Kids often only associate food with cavities. So after they brush their teeth for the night, they can still have some juice or soda to drink, right? Not exactly. Sugary beverages can be just as harmful to teeth as food. Once they have brushed up for the night, only water is allowed.

Schedule a Cleaning for Your Child Near Greenville, NC

Schedule a dental cleaning for your child at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. Our team has years of training and experience working with young children and can help you and your child instill the proper teeth cleaning practices that will set them up for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Come see us in Wilson, North Carolina, today. 

How to Avoid a Cavity This Halloween


Each Halloween, the streets are full of costumed kids trick-or-treating. And not long after, it’s the dentist’s door that receives a knock. 

Halloween means bags full of sugary sweets, but it doesn’t have to mean a mouth full of cavities. Follow the tips below to learn how your child can avoid a cavity this Halloween while still enjoying everything the holiday has to offer. 

Eat Halloween candy with meals 

Saliva is a natural defender against the sugary food particles and bacteria that lead to cavities. Saliva production heightens during meal time. Have your children indulge in some Halloween candy only after eating a regular meal to ensure they’re eating it with a healthy amount of saliva to help cancel out some of the effects. 

Avoid long-lasting candy 

Hard candy that stays in your mouth for an extended period of time brings about an increased risk of cavities due to longer exposure. Instead, stick with candy that is simply chewed and swallowed in order to limit the amount of time that it’s actually in the mouth. 

Avoid sticky candy

The residue from sticky candy like taffy, gummies, and caramel clings to the teeth long after you’ve swallowed and takes longer to wash away by saliva or brushing. Have your children avoid the types of candy that are especially sticky. 

Ration it out 

Instead of letting your child binge-eat on Halloween candy, allow them just a couple pieces per day so as to not overwhelm their teeth with sugar. Better yet, allow them to pick out a specified number of pieces and then donate the rest. 

There are many organizations that collect Halloween candy and donate it to overseas troops or underprivileged kids. There are even candy buyback programs where kids can trade candy for cash. 

Replace sugary drinks with water 

Set a compromise with your kids this Halloween: They can eat candy if they give up the sugary beverages like soda, sweet tea, and artificial juice. Sugary drinks combined with candy will only increase the risk of a cavity, and drinking water (especially water that contains flouride) is a great way of washing out harmful bacteria from the mouth. 

Schedule a Post-Halloween Cleaning

One final way to help your children avoid cavities this Halloween is to schedule a post-Halloween cleaning. A professional cleaning can rinse away all the cavity-causing bacteria that everyday brushing and flossing often can’t. 

Follow the tips above, and schedule an appointment today to keep your child from having a scary looking smile this Halloween. 


10 Dental Treatments to Consider For Your Kids

kids dentist Wilson NC

Early detection and treatment is critical to the development of healthy teeth and gums. Below are 10 dental treatments for kids that every parent should consider. 

Dental Treatments Your Child Might Need

1) Examinations

Like most conditions, early detection is the key to good oral health. And identifying potential problems at a young age can help steer your child toward a lifetime of bright smiles. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends children begin having regular 6-month checkups as soon as they sprout their first tooth. 

2) Cleanings

No matter how diligently you brush your child’s teeth or how well they get the hang of it themselves, you’re unlikely to give as thorough of a cleaning as the dentist. The special tools and treatments used at a kid’s dentist will remove the harmful bacteria that a toothbrush can’t. 

3) Sealants

At an age where proper dental care is still being learned, preventive measures can be instrumental. A sealant is a thin layer of plastic that is brushed onto a child’s molars to provide a protective shield against harmful bacteria. 

4) Cavity treatments

It’s important for children to have cavities properly treated, even if the teeth will fall out anyway. Cavities can affect a child’s nutrition, cause overbites and other alignment problems, prevent adult teeth from growing in correctly, and lead to infections that affect the gums and other nearby teeth. 

5) Disking

Disking involves shaving off thin layers of certain teeth to allow more room for surrounding teeth to grow in straight and correctly. 

6) Space maintainers

When a baby tooth falls out prematurely, surrounding teeth may begin to grow crooked into the open space. A space maintainer keeps teeth in their own lanes by blocking off that open space and helping all teeth continue to be aligned. 

7) X-rays 

An X-ray helps a dentist identify potential issues that are not visible to the naked eye, such as tiny cavities forming in between teeth. 

8) Early orthodontic treatment

Children as young as 6 can benefit from orthodontic treatments designed to aid in the early development of young teeth. 

9) Anesthesia 

Anesthesia is a treatment designed to help young patients get through many other types of treatments that may be too scary for them.

10) Emergency care 

Kids can be rambunctious, so emergency dental treatment may be needed as a result of a fall or other accident.

Schedule an Appointment For Your Child

If your child is in need of dental care near Wilson, NC, schedule an appointment with the team at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. The proper dental treatment at a young age can set your child up for a lifetime of smiles, and Wilson Pediatric Dentistry can help.

Find a Pediatric Dentist Near You

kid smiling

If you’re looking for a pediatric dentist near you in eastern North Carolina, look no further than Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. We know that going to the dentist as a child is a pastime many people look back on negatively, but our pediatric dentists have completed years of specialized training to work with kids, ensuring your child receives the proper care they need.

Our kid-friendly office in Wilson, NC, creates an inviting, positive environment for children and their parents. That means going for a teeth cleaning is no longer a dreaded chore, but a pleasant and healthy activity. Learn more about the services we offer and the locations we serve by reading below.

Bringing Brighter Smiles to Eastern North Carolina

Benefits of Pediatric Dentistry

Our pediatric dentists near Rocky Mount take pride in providing the surrounding communities with pediatric dentistry services. Parents often assume that a general dentist can clean their child’s teeth just the same, but that’s not the case. Kids’ mouths are smaller and more sensitive than the mouths of adults, meaning a dentist that is only trained to treat adults could leave your child’s mouth sore after an appointment.

Choosing the right practice is extremely important to ensure your child receives proper care and doesn’t fight you every step of the way to the dentist’s office.

Additional Services

Our team of pediatric dentists near Greenville understands the importance of proper dental care during your child’s development. Highly trained and experienced, our associates offer interventional treatments as well as consulting on proper home care for your kid’s teeth. Our services include:

  • Exams and cleanings
  • Cavity treatment
  • Sealant
  • Disking
  • Space maintainers
  • Early orthodontics

Visit Wilson Pediatric Dentistry Today

Our group of pediatric dentists in Knightdale welcomes everyone because all of us deserve a healthy smile. Wilson Pediatric Dentistry is the only the pediatric dental office in eastern North Carolina that accepts Medicaid, making our practice the go-to office for our surrounding communities. Schedule an appointment online today.

The Preferred Pediatric Dentist of Parents in Knightdale, NC

TeethQuality pediatric dental care near Knightdale, North Carolina can be found just a short drive away at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. Learn more about our practice and why we’re the preferred choice for pediatric dental care of parents in Knightdale.

Welcome to Wilson Pediatric Dentistry

About Our Office

Sure, you can take your children to a general dentist. Or you can go the extra mile to bring them to a pediatric dentist like the ones you’ll find at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. A pediatric dentist has undergone additional years of specialized training and experience treating young patients.

Our team knows how to make your little one feel comfortable. We also have the skills necessary to work on the small and delicate mouths of children. Our office is designed in a kid-friendly way that aims to ease any fears they may have of the dentist. Our goal is to have your child leave with a fun and comforting experience that promotes a positive view of the dentist and encourages healthy dental practices.

Treatments We Offer

Your child can get more than just a general checkup at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. Our services include:

Teeth cleanings: Cleanings and fluoride treatments lower the risk of cavities and ensure the healthy development of adult teeth.  

Sealants: A sealant is a thin layer of plastic that’s applied to the surface of molars to provide a protective barrier between the tooth and harmful bacteria from food.  

Cavity treatments: More than 40% of children develop a cavity in their primary teeth before the age of 11. Our gentle but effective treatment stops the decay and restores the tooth.  

Disking: Disking is a process in which thin layers of teeth are shaved off to make more room for incoming permanent teeth to make sure they come in straight and healthy.

Space Maintainers: When a baby tooth is lost too early, surrounding teeth may shift out of place and cause the incoming permanent tooth to come in misaligned. A space maintainer keeps teeth in their appropriate lane to provide the necessary room for new tooth to develop.  

X-rays: X-rays allow our team to monitor growth and spot any potential problems that are invisible to the naked eye.  

Early orthodontic treatment: Orthodontic care can be applied to children as young as six-years-old to guide the proper growth of permanent teeth.

Emergency care: We’re here when you need us most. Our team is available for same-day emergency dental treatment.  

Schedule Your Appointment

Schedule an appointment for your child or contact our team with any questions about services or costs. We’re the only pediatric dentist in eastern North Carolina that accepts Medicaid, and we promote equality, diversity, and inclusion for parents and children alike. Make an appointment today to see how easy it is to find quality pediatric dental care near Knightdale, NC.

Prepare your Child for a Cavity Filling With These 5 Tips

Child getting cavity filled

Having a cavity filled can be a scary experience for an adult, let alone a small child. But with the right guidance, your little one can leave the dentist showing off their new smile.

Below are five tips to help prepare your child for a cavity filling.

How to Prepare Your Child For a Cavity Filling

Downplay it

By now you’ve probably figured out that children take a lot of their emotional cues from you. When you play something up as really fun and exciting — like their first day of school — it can be infectious to them. So when it comes to their first cavity filling, downplay it in front of them and act like it’s no big deal.

Mind your words

Your child may ask you some questions about what will happen at the appointment and if it will hurt. Explain what a cavity is, but avoid using words like “drill,” “needle,” “poke,” or anything else that can sound scary to a young one. You can even use a phrase like “sugar spot” or “candy bugs” instead of saying “cavity.”

Talk about your cavity fillings

If you had any cavities filled during childhood or as an adult, tell your child about it. If mom or dad has done it, it can’t be all that bad, right? If you have any current fillings, you can even let them look inside your mouth to see how “cool” they look.

Don’t frame it as punishment

Of course, you want your kids to understand the importance of taking care of their teeth. But be careful not to frame a cavity filling as “punishment” for them not brushing well enough. Explain how sugary foods can affect your teeth and how a cavity happens. If a child thinks they are being punished, it can affect the way they feel about dentists going forward. Emphasize that the dentist is there to help them, not punish them.

Bring comfort items

On the day of the appointment, let your child wear whatever they want (within reason of course). Allow them to bring their favorite stuffed animal or toy. Have their favorite TV show cued up on your smartphone or tablet with some headphones so they can watch in the waiting room and take their mind off the appointment. Do anything you can to set a positive tone.

Schedule Your Child’s Appointment in Wilson, NC

Now that your child is properly prepared for their cavity filling, the next step is to schedule their appointment at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. A pediatric dentist has additional training, experience, and skills specific to treating young patients and can be a better option than a general dentist in this regard.

Make an appointment for a gentle cavity filling treatment today and let us a bring a smile to your child’s face.


Learn 4 Tips to Care for Your Child’s Teeth in the New Year

As the year winds down and the holidays are upon us, it’s a great time to think about your child’s teeth. With the focus on get-togethers, presents, and family time, it can be easy to overlook dental health. That’s why we’re happy to offer four helpful tips for starting — or revisiting — good dental habits as we head into the new year.

Taking Care of Your Child’s Teeth

Chit chat about the chompers

If your child has been to the dentist before or will be going for the first time, having an open talk about what to expect is a great way to prepare them for the visit. Presenting everything in a positive light will help alleviate any concerns your child might have. You can even read a story of someone having a good dental visit.

When you arrive at the office, allow the dentist to lead the conversation with your child to build a relationship. You can also ask your child questions like, “What color toothbrush do you like?” to give them some control over the appointment.

After the visit, you can discuss any concerns you have, such as thumb sucking, crowded teeth, losing teeth, and more.

Make healthy choices

When healthy food and drink choices are made, your child’s teeth will benefit. Adding foods that clean while being consumed, such as carrots, apples, and celery, helps scrub away plaque buildup and strengthens the tooth enamel.

Explain to your child that when sugary foods and drinks are consumed, the sugar can cause decay if left on the teeth and that having strong teeth allows us to enjoy the foods we love.

Be a role model

It’s important to brush at least twice a day and floss regularly to prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. Help your child build healthy brushing and flossing habits by performing the tasks right along with them. This way you’ll be able to show them the correct way to brush and floss and treat it as a daily routine, rather than a chore.

Make and keep appointments

By making and keeping appointments to see your pediatric dentist twice a year, you’ll establish good dental habits with your child. Your child will also receive frequent cleanings and exams, which will allow the dentist to keep you aware of any issues that could arise in the future.

Care for Your Child’s Teeth at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry

When your child is due for teeth cleaning, contact us at (252) 291-4300 or schedule an appointment online.