Learn Healthy Dental Hygiene From a Pediatric Dentist

Dental hygiene is important for overall health, especially for children. If your kids start with a good foundation for oral health, they will carry these lessons into adulthood. Healthy dental hygiene will reduce or prevent many future oral problems including ulcers, gingivitis, or even root canals. Here are some tips on how to help your kids learn good teeth cleaning in Greenville, NC.

Learn Healthy Dental Hygiene From a Pediatric Dentist

Start at an Early Age

Kids learn very quickly as they grow, and visiting a dentist at an early age helps them to understand the importance of their teeth. It is advisable to visit a pediatric dentist and book regular visits with a kids dentist as soon as your child’s first tooth appears. 


If you have more than one child, it’s a great idea to take your kids for a teeth cleaning service at the same time. Try combining the visit with a fun family activity on the same day to positively reinforce the dental visit.

Regular Dental Visits

Most problems with children’s teeth can be prevented by regular dental visits. This allows your dentist to maintain your child’s baby teeth. On average, a child should visit the dentist at least ten times before starting kindergarten. If your child’s baby teeth are healthy from regular checkups, their adult teeth should develop without any problems.

Lead by Example

As a parent, you are the most important role model for your kids. They look up to you for guidance, and this extends to dental care. If you demonstrate to your child the right way to brush their teeth, they will copy you. Children need to build a routine as they grow and brushing your teeth with your children together is a fun and important way to teach them great dental habits.

Provide Healthy Substitutes

Everyone loves sugar. The problem is too much sugar can cause serious damage to teeth, especially in children. As a substitute, try using little bags of healthier fruit or raw vegetables for your kids. Fruits and vegetables will provide essential vitamins and minerals, which further improve their dental health.


Talk With Your Dentist

Your child’s dental health is as important as their physical health. Your friendly pediatric dentist is here to help your child build a firm foundation for a lifetime of bright smiles and good dental hygiene. We also provide extra tips and advice at Serving Greenville.


Contact us at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry to introduce your child to a lifetime of good dental hygiene and book a teeth cleaning service today.

Sparing Your Kids’ Teeth from Halloween Candy

Sparing Your Kids’ Teeth from Halloween Candy

You might expect that a dentist will tell you to keep your kids away from all Halloween candy to help protect their teeth. While avoiding candy is generally a good idea, we understand that it is not always practical. If you want to let your children enjoy this fun holiday while sparing their teeth, we can help. The following pediatric dentistry tips will ensure your kids’ teeth (and your own) make it through Halloween strong and healthy.

Keep the Sweets in Moderation

Enjoying candy and other sweet foods is fine as long as it is done in moderation. Just like your stomach may feel sick after over-indulging in candy, your teeth can also experience problems when exposed to constant candy. Picking out just a couple pieces of candy per day will not only let you enjoy it for longer, but will help to keep your teeth strong.

Choose the Right Candies

When it comes to oral care, not all candies are the same. It is a good idea to keep your kids away from sticky and chewy candy like taffy because it tends to get trapped between teeth. It is difficult for anyone, especially kids, to remove this type of candy – even with brushing. Another type of candy to avoid is hard candies and suckers since they remain in your mouth for extended periods of time.

Candies that you can enjoy quickly and then easily rinse away (with water or brushing) are ideal. Great examples of this will include chocolates, peanut butter cups, and other similar items.

Make Sure to Brush After Enjoying Candy

When you are finished with your candy for the day, make sure to brush your teeth as soon as possible. Even if it isn’t part of your normal brushing routine, this will help to remove all the sugar from your mouth so bacteria and acids do not develop and cause damage to your teeth.

Schedule a Cleaning Today

One of the best things you can do to make sure your kid’s teeth are kept strong and healthy is to schedule them for regular cleanings at your dentist. We can help provide a deep cleaning that goes beyond what brushing can do. We will also look for signs of cavities, gum disease, and other issues so they can be addressed as early as possible. Finally, we can offer additional tips and advice specifically for your child to help them learn better oral care. We offer pediatric dentistry in Greenville,schedule an appointment today.

What All Parents Should Know About Baby Teeth and Pediatric Dentistry in Knightdale

Watching your child develop is a wonderfully exciting time, and we all want to give our kids a great start in life. It’s both encouraging and sobering to know that your choices now can affect your child’s health for life, which is why it’s important to know what to expect with baby teeth. Finding quality pediatric dentistry in Knightdale for your child is crucial for your child’s future dental health. 

Good Health Begins With Teeth

Our oral health is like a gateway into our overall health, which is true for kids and adults. The human mouth contains bacteria that can get into the digestive and respiratory tract, causing disease. 

Good brushing and flossing protect your child from gum disease and tooth decay: but these habits also safeguard their overall health. 

Even Baby Teeth Need Dental Care

Some people mistakenly believe that kids don’t need dental care until their permanent teeth erupt. Yes, they will eventually replace your child’s baby teeth, but they are critical to your child’s health and welfare. 

Baby teeth enable your child to smile, speak correctly, and chew their food. And the space made by baby teeth helps the mouth form properly to allow adult teeth to come in properly.  

Pediatric Dentistry

It’s crucial that your child visits the dentist early in life, and the best time is after you see the first tooth erupt. Regular dental visits will teach you and your child how to care for teeth, help prevent cavities, and alert you to any dietary problems that are causing dental issues. They may even help you avoid expensive dental work down the line by addressing issues while they are still small

At-Home Care

Any tooth can decay, and baby teeth have less enamel and are therefore more at risk of decay than adult teeth. Brushing should begin as soon as the teeth erupt. Brush and floss your child’s teeth twice a day. 

Let them help and teach them how to do it as they get older. If they learn to floss while they have only a few, more widely-spaced teeth, they’ll have fewer issues flossing their permanent teeth once those come in. 

A Good Diet Is Crucial

Sugar is the worst thing for teeth, yet nearly all foods have sugar: even fruits, vegetables, and milk. That said, some foods and drinks are harder on the teeth than others. 

Children should rarely eat sticky fruit snacks and candies, sugary sodas and juices, or sour candies with ascorbic acid. Always choose foods low in sugar, encourage your children to drink water, and choose something other than sweets for snacks and meals. 

Find a Partner in Pediatric Dentistry in Knightdale

You don’t have to care for your child’s teeth alone. At Wilson Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Jasmine Elmore has dedicated her career to helping children achieve excellent dental health so they can thrive for a lifetime. Visit us at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry today to schedule an appointment and get your child on the road toward good health. 

When Should Your Child Start Brushing Their Own Teeth?

How early should you be helping your child to brush their teeth? Afterwards, when and how should kids start brushing their own teeth? With so much information available online, it can be difficult to get the clear answer you’re looking for as a parent.


Read on to learn more about tips that you can use today to start good brushing habits with your kids, and to answer the question of when your children should begin brushing their own teeth. 


When should you begin brushing your child’s teeth? 

You can begin brushing your child’s teeth from as early as four months old, well before they even have teeth.


Starting early can help to stimulate blood flow in the gums, and can encourage great oral health from an early age. Simply use a wet, soft towel or even your finger. You won’t have to worry about using toothpaste until their first tooth appears. Be sure to use a very small amount on a soft-bristled brush when you brush your child’s teeth for the first time. 


How can I help my child have good brushing habits? 

Brushing their teeth on their own is a habit that you’ll have to support your child in learning. Your child can start learning how to brush their own teeth at age 3, while they should be brushing their own teeth morning and night by age 4. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you to stay on the right track with your child’s personal oral hygiene habits from a young age. 


  1. Mirror & copy 

Have your child take part in your own oral care routine. Focusing on having them mirror you can help you to instill good brushing habits, and allows you to regularly monitor their oral health. It also shows them how high of a priority oral care is when it comes to one’s overall well-being.


  1. Encourage & incentivize 

As your child develops, you can begin using habit trackers and other incentives to keep them on the right track. Rewards work well to solidify these habits at every stage of development.


  1. Visit your pediatric dentist 

Making your dentist trips a priority is key for pediatric oral health. Looking for a pediatric dentist in Greenville, NC? The team at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry is here to help. With years of success and hundreds of happy patients, we’re confident that we can help you get the care you need for excellent oral health. Keep browsing our website to learn more, and feel welcome to schedule your appointment today.

Are X-Rays Safe?

dentistry x-ray

If you have ever been to the dentist, you have likely been told that you will need to have a dental x-ray performed. These x-rays are an important tool for evaluating overall oral health, diagnosing problems, developing treatment plans, and much more. If you’re bringing your children in for dental care, you’re probably concerned about the safety of x-rays.

People worry about x-rays because they use radiation to take the image of the inside of the body. Radiation, of course, can be very dangerous to the human body. While x-rays in the past did result in a significant amount of radiation exposure, today’s machines are extremely safe. Take some time to learn about dental x-rays, how safe they are, and why they are an important part of a comprehensive dental care plan.

Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

According to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, children can be safely exposed to 500 millirems of radiation per year. While different x-ray machines use a different amount of radiation, all modern machines are well below this limit. On average, a single dental x-ray creates just 1.5 millirems of radiation, which is extremely little. On top of that, our pediatric dentist in Greenville takes further steps to minimize exposure, including things like:

  • Placing a lead vest over the patient to block radiation
  • Scheduling x-rays only when needed for treatment
  • Using focused x-ray imaging to get good results without having to repeat the x-ray
  • And Much more

Our goal is to make sure we keep all of our patients safe. That means minimizing the exposure to radiation while maximizing our ability to properly take care of their teeth.

Why are Dental X-Rays Important?

Dentists have a variety of tools and techniques that they use to care for your child’s teeth. X-rays are one of the most important tools because they can give dentists and hygienists visibility into areas that would otherwise be impossible. For example, dental x-rays can give a clear image of the tooth below the gumline. This can be used to discover cavities, evaluate the health of the root of the tooth, and much more. In addition, x-rays can look at the inside of the tooth to see if there are any areas that are weak or damaged. There are many other ways that dentists use x-rays to help improve your teeth. Fortunately, they are a very safe and effective diagnostic tool that we can use.

Providing Effective Dental Care in Greenville, NC

Our team works hard to make your child’s dental visit as pleasant as possible and to ensure that they are comfortable. Schedule your child’s dental x-rays today or call us at (252)-291-4300; we’ll be happy to help.

When to Start Brushing Your Baby’s Teeth

Our dentists get a lot of questions from patients. One of the most common ones we get from parents with little ones is when to start brushing a baby’s teeth.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that you start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as the first tooth comes in. Even before any teeth sprout, you should clean your baby’s gums daily using an infant toothbrush or damp washcloth.

Why Brushing Your Baby’s Teeth is Important

The day your baby’s first tooth comes in, it can begin building harmful plaque. Although your child’s baby teeth will eventually fall out, they serve as placeholders for permanent teeth. So, the better the baby teeth are maintained, the more likely the adult teeth will be to come in straight.

Tooth decay can also welcome harmful bacteria into the body that can lead to other health issues and may also cause the development of speech impediments. Plus, getting your baby accustomed to having their teeth brushed at an early age can help establish good oral health habits throughout childhood.

Tips for Brushing Your Baby’s Teeth

Brushing a baby’s teeth can be easier said than done, as they may not like you inserting anything into their mouth. But the following tips might help in your efforts. 

  • Stick to just water with no toothpaste at first. Once your baby has several teeth you can begin to introduce a tiny amount of toddler toothpaste. Fluoride is okay, but again, keep the amount of toothpaste used to a minimum.
  • Use a small-headed and soft-bristled toothbrush that is specially designed for baby teeth.
  • Play some fun music or have your baby hold their favorite toy while you brush. This will help your baby associate brushing with happy and positive thoughts and stimuli.

Don’t Forget Your Child’s Dental Exam

Once it’s time to start brushing your baby’s teeth, it’s time to start thinking about scheduling their first dental appointment for a teeth cleaning in Greenville, NC. It’s recommended that children have their first dental checkup around their first birthday, and they should continue seeing their dentist every six months just like adults. 

Wilson Pediatric Dentistry is the preferred pediatric dentist in Greenville, NC. Learn more about our practice or schedule your child’s appointment today to get them started with a great smile.

5 Harmful Oral Habits Parents Should Discourage

Pediatric dentists see what happens when kids possess oral habits that cause more harm than good. That’s why they’ve teamed up with parents to show kids how to help themselves. But where do you begin? Which habits are causing your kids’ dental health to deteriorate? Keep an eye out for the following habits that you can actively discourage:

  1. Nail biting and thumb sucking: Nail biting can introduce germs and bacteria into your child’s mouth and your child could likewise transmit germs onto what they touch. Thumb sucking can cause an overbite if the habit isn’t disrupted. Positive reinforcement goes a long way to curbing the habit. Some parents have tried putting a bitter or sour food-safe solution on their child’s nail or thumb to help discourage the habit. 
  2. Aggressive brushing: Some kids can be overly aggressive with brushing their teeth. Explaining to them that brushing their teeth gently will still dislodge food or plaque on the surface of their teeth or at their gum line will help end this behavior. Most importantly, keep a close eye on them and follow up with them to make sure they’re brushing correctly. 
  3. Chewing on hard objects: It’s very tempting for kids to chew on their candy or the ice in their drink. Teach them that this could lead to them chipping or fracturing their tooth, which could mean a lot of pain and a trip to the dentist. Encourage them to drink through a straw.
  4. Teeth grinding: Teeth grinding can do a lot of damage to kids’ teeth and you may not even know it’s an issue until a dentist sees the wear and tear. Regular visits to the dentist can help prevent damage from getting any worse – so make sure that your child is seeing their dentist regularly!
  5. Not using a mouth guard for sports or other rough activity: Your child could crack or lose their teeth if they’re not wearing a mouth guard while playing contact sports. Explain to them the importance of wearing a mouth guard and provide positive reinforcement until it becomes a habit.

Many times, kids will grow out of these habits. If they don’t, an ingrained habit can be especially hard to break. Keep a lookout for the above habits and try to disrupt or break the pattern while they are still young. 

Pediatric Dentist in Knightdale, NC

If your child suffers from any of the above habits, or you’re not sure, come see us at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry to check out their dental health. As the saying goes, “A stitch in time saves nine.” We provide kid-friendly dental examinations that can catch cavities, tooth damage, etc. before it gets any worse. Call us at 252.291.4300 to schedule an appointment, or contact us here!

6 Pediatric Dentist-Approved Snacks to Pack in Your Kids’ Lunchboxes

With school back in session, you may be adding lunchbox snacks to your grocery list again to stock the pantry. 

Buying smart snacks that are not only good for your kids’ teeth, but also high in calcium and fluoride can go a long way in saving you and your kids from a trip to see about a cavity. 

Wilson Pediatric Dentistry Recommends Teeth-Healthy Snack Choices

Throughout the crackers, cookies, and snacks aisle you’ll notice much of the prepackaged foods are high in processed sugars and additives. Many ingredients hide behind unrecognizable names for a reason. 

A great way to avoid these poor ingredients is to try sticking with unprocessed whole foods. If what you’re looking at is packaged in an aisle, chances are it’s been heavily processed, and these kinds of snacks can corrode enamel, cause bacteria growth, accelerate the build-up of tartar and plaque, and cause cavities. 

A majority of the popular food brands are guilty of packing their snacks with high sugar content to appeal to your young ones’ tastes, but their teeth end up suffering for it. The good news is that there are plenty of tasty, teeth-friendly snacks that kids love.

6 Pediatric Dentist-Approved Tasty Snacks:

High fiber fresh fruits

  • Bananas, apples, oranges, grapes, etc.
    1. Note that citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are high in citric acid which can erode tooth enamel, so moderation is key
  • Fruits add a component of sweetness to your kids’ lunchbox and are packed with vitamins

Raw vegetables

  • Cucumbers, celery, baby carrots, and broccoli paired with ranch or hummus
  • Crisp veggies help scrape away any build-up on your children’s teeth

Yogurt, milk, cheese

  • High in calcium and Vitamin D, these foods are usually a hit with the little ones, but be careful to avoid yogurt brands that are packed with sugar
    1. Go for low-sugar options whenever possible

Nuts, seeds, and nut butters

  • Apple slices and celery stalks with peanut butter are lunchbox favorites and pediatric dentist-approved!
  • Low sodium or unsalted nuts can be a great source of protein and provide a healthier alternative to chips and other common junk foods

Naturally-flavored carbonated drinks

  • These are healthier alternatives to fruit juice, soda, and sports drinks


  • Eggs are rich in protein, calcium, and Vitamin D and don’t contain as many calories or as much fat found in meats.

Beware of snacks that sound healthy but are not. For example, Goldfish crackers are a popular salty snack, but contain white flour that gets stuck under the gumline and between teeth which causes tooth decay. Another sneaky snack is dried or gummy fruit candies. Companies are known to add extra sugar to these treats which also becomes easily lodged between your children’s teeth. A good habit to form is researching snacks you’re interested in before buying, and always practicing moderation.

Schedule Your Next Appointment with Wilson Pediatric Dentistry

While parents can do their part to help their little ones avoid a trip to the dentist, sometimes it’s unavoidable. If your child needs a cavity treatment, teeth cleaning, or early orthodontic care, Dr. Jasmine Elmore and her team are ready to serve you. Call us at 252-291-4300 or schedule your appointment here today.

How to Find the Right Dentist for Your Child

Finding a dentist you like can be hard enough for an adult. So its understandable that many parents are particular about finding just the right dentist for their child. Establishing a positive dental experience at a young age is important and can set a child on a path to a lifetime of healthy smiles. 


Below are five tips for finding the right dentist for your child so that both of you can be comfortable and confident in the care they receive. 

Finding the Ideal Dentist for Your Child

1. Find a pediatric dentist

There are dentists who treat children, and then there are pediatric dentists. Pediatric dentists have specialized training in working with the small and delicate mouths of children, dealing with their behaviors and fears and creating a positive experience. Look for pediatric dentists near you when searching for a dentist for your child. 

2. Look for a fun environment

A dentist’s office can be a scary place for a child, but it doesn’t have to be. When looking for a dentist for your child, visit the office in person to see the inside. Kid-friendly offices are generally decorated with bright colors and playful designs that can have a positive psychological effect on a nervous youngster. 

3. Ask about their approach

Some dentists take more of a reactive approach. But young teeth and gums need a more proactive approach that uses sealants, fluoride treatments and other preventive measures to stop tooth decay and gum disease before it happens and keep your child’s oral health on the right path. Call any prospective dentist and ask about their preventive services for children. 

4.  See if they teach good dental habits

A children’s trip to the dentist should be more than just an appointment to have their teeth cleaned. They should also leave with some knowledge and advice about how to properly care for their teeth. When trying to find the right dentist for your child, look for one who provides education in addition to service. 

5. Find one that has options for anxious children

If your child is especially nervous or anxious, some dentists offer the use of nitrous oxide or anesthesia in dosages that are safe for young patients. While this may not be for everyone, it’s something to consider for more serious dental work or particularly scared children. 

Find the Right Dentist for Your Child at Wilson Pediatric

If you’re looking for dentists in Wilson, NC, you’ll find the perfect one for your child right here at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Jasmine Elmore is a pediatric dentist who takes a preventive and educational approach to dentistry in a fun and kid-friendly setting. We also provide nitrous oxide and anesthesia for children who may be especially sensitive or have high anxiety about the dentist. 


Contact us with any questions about our practice or visit us on Wooten Blvd in Wilson, NC, to learn more about how we may be the right dentist for your child.

Getting Your Child Ready for a Cavity Filling in Greenville, NC

Filling a cavity can be a scary experience. Knowing how to prepare your child for a filling will not only help your child know what to expect, but it will also help you feel more calm about the appointment as well. Continue reading to learn more. 

Pediatric Cavity Filling Preparedness Tips

Consider your child’s temperament

Dental repair is a common anxiety for adults so it’s only natural that a child might feel unnerved at the idea of undergoing this procedure. 


Your child’s temperament is one of the biggest factors to consider when deciding how to handle those nerves. Some children can sit calmly through long dental procedures without any need for sedation while others may benefit from a light oral sedative or even nitrous oxide. 


Discuss your concerns with your child’s dentist so you can develop a plan and share these expectations with your child prior to the date of the procedure. 

Be honest but don’t overshare

You know that a filling requires numbing the area with a needle and using a drill to file away any damaged areas of the tooth. Rather than sharing these unpleasant details with your child, however, simply share that he will get to relax on the dentist’s chair while the dentist puts part of his mouth to sleep. Explain that he may experience some strange vibrations and sounds from the dentist’s tools, but that there shouldn’t be any pain.


Avoiding these details could lead to the child feeling blindsided in his appointment and developing a long-term mistrust or fear of the dentist. Your dentist will strive to make your child as comfortable as possible, but knowing what to expect going into the appointment will empower your child to trust what the dentist is doing.

Rely on a favorite stuffed animal

Dress your child in comfortable, loose-fitting clothes on the day of the appointment. Encourage him to bring a favorite stuffed animal or comfort item he can squeeze or hug when he starts to feel nervous. Having a familiar item on hand can help him channel his attention away from the procedure towards something that brings him comfort. 

Find a Pediatric Dentist in Greenville, NC

The best way to prepare for dental fillings is to avoid them in the first place. At Wilson Pediatric Dentistry, we will help your child develop strong oral hygiene practices for lifelong oral health. We offer pediatric dentistry services and teeth cleanings in Greenville, North Carolina. Schedule an appointment today.

3 Reasons You Should Invest in a Mouthguard at Any Age

early orthodontic care child mouthguard wilson nc

While it may seem obvious to encourage a mouthguard to protect your child’s permanent teeth, it might surprise you how important a mouthguard is to the long-term health of your child’s mouth — even before the baby teeth are lost. Continue reading to learn more. 

The Importance of Mouthguards at Any Age

Full-Mouth Protection

While your child’s baby teeth will eventually be replaced by permanent teeth, his gums, jaw, and tongue will not be. A mouthguard is a simple way to provide full-mouth protection during any high-speed or contact sport. 

As soon as your child begins participating in sports, you’ll want to invest in a mouthguard. This will help to ensure your child’s baby teeth remain in place until the permanent teeth are ready to come in. It will also minimize the chance that your child experiences the trauma of cut gums, tongue issues, or a broken jaw. 

Your Child’s Mouth and Jaw Are Still Developing

Your child’s baby teeth act as placeholders to create the necessary space for the permanent teeth to come in. Losing those teeth prematurely can directly affect the way the permanent teeth develop and could result in costly expenses such as spacers to maintain the necessary gaps. 

Likewise, your child’s jaw is still developing and is not as strong as you may think. Damage to the jaw is a major trauma that could affect the way your child’s mouth develops as well as basic functions such as eating, drinking, and speaking. A mouthguard can provide added stability and protection for kids participating in contact sports.

Good Habits Last a Lifetime

Another reason to invest in a mouthguard when your child is young is to make the habit of using one second nature as he gets older. Just as you teach healthy oral hygiene habits like flossing and brushing, teach your child the importance of protecting his teeth during physical activity. This will instill healthy habits which will affect the long-term health of your child’s mouth and teeth. 

Early Orthodontic Services in Greenville, NC

If your child is showing interest in high-speed or contact sports, schedule an appointment to request a custom mouthguard at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. We offer early orthodontic care in Greenville, North Carolina. We also offer emergency dental care if your child experiences a sports-related injury. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment

Pediatric Teeth Cleaning and Cavity Fillings | Greenville, NC

In the seemingly endless cycle of preparing meals and snacks for your little ones, you may be tempted to grab whatever is most convenient in order to preserve time and energy. When it comes to the foods that your toddler or child likely prefers at this age, many of those go-to meals and snacks could be unexpectedly causing tooth decay. Continue reading to learn more.

Surprising Foods Which Lead to Tooth Decay

Simple Carbs

Pastas, cereals, rice, crackers, and breads all have two things in common. The first is that they are likely some of your child’s favorite foods. The second is that these are all simple carbs. 

Simple carbs usually make up the white or yellow foods in your child’s diet. The structure of the grains are so simple that they begin to break down into basic sugars immediately upon entering the mouth. These sugars have a tendency of sticking to the teeth which can quickly lead to tooth decay. 

Swap out your child’s favorite simple carbs with more complex options such as brown rice, and whole grain pasta, cereals, and breads. 

Sticky Foods

Are you even a parent if you don’t have a half dozen bags of fruit snacks hidden away in your car or purse? These fruit snacks are a favorite treat for kids and they are considered a healthy alternative to other gummies. The problem with fruit snacks is that they are still very high in sugar and will adhere themselves to your child’s teeth for longer periods of time. 

The same problem arises with dried fruits. Raisins, dried apricots, dried mango, and dates will glue themselves to your child’s teeth well after snack time is over. 


Juice is one of the most common culprits of early tooth decay. Juices are packed with sugar, and when children are young, they are usually consumed through a sippy cup. 

The naturally high sugar content of juice sipped from a cup which encourages the drink to slowly pool into the mouth will expose the teeth to the damaging effects of sugar for a longer period of time. 

Limit the amount of juice your child drinks and try to dilute the juice with water to minimize the sugar intake. Also, encourage your child to drink her juice through a straw instead of a sippy cup since this encourages her to quickly swallow the drink. 

Cavity Fillings in Greenville, NC

Even when taking every precaution, it is still necessary to have your child’s teeth checked routinely for early signs of tooth decay. Wilson Pediatric Dentistry offers a variety of services including pediatric teeth cleanings and cavity fillings in Greenville, NC. Schedule your next appointment today.